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Neighborhood Entertainment?

Updated: Nov 1, 2022

Today was the last nice day in our forecast. I wanted to take advantage of it to get some coffee dyed papers done. I find it to be a messy project so I prefer to do it outside. I also prefer to let it sun dry rather than do it in the oven. It is all good until the wind picks up and I am chasing papers through the backyard. I am sure if any of the neighbors were watching that we laughing at me. Oh, well! I did manage to get the job done and now have plenty of paper to put into journals.

The Ohio Sauerkraut Festival was this past weekend. The weather was fantastic and so were the crowds. I had the opportunity to talk with a lot of new people and got to see some familiar faces, too. I have registered for next year's festival and should be back in the same booth as this year.

I have a couple of weeks until the next event so I need to get back to creating. Headed back into the scrapbook room here in a little bit. Next up is a custom order scrapbook, a journal with some Blue Fern Studios papers, and finish up with a Thanksgiving recipe book/scrapbook I started a while ago. Plan on having the journal and recipe book ready for the next event.

That's all for today!

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