Spending several hours most days trying to build up my supplies of scrapbooks in advance of the craft fairs I am participating in this fall. I always have the TV on for background noise. For some reason that seems to help me when I am working. The last few days I have had The US Open Tennis Tournament on. Quite a few upsets on the women's side and a lot of up and coming young men. Not sure there will ever be another Big 3 that we have watched over the last many years on the men's side.
My creative juices have been flowing and am finding building the pages are coming easily. That certainly makes everything easier. I am currently working with an older Graphic 45 paper line called Fruit and Flora. The papers are filled with red, green, pink, eggplant, and cream colors. I think this album would be good for every day life photos.
I spent some time earlier this week updating the inventory in the Shop Paper area of the store. There are just so many behind the scene things that need to be done when running a small business. They take time away from doing the best part-the creating of unique scrapbooks and journals.
I know there won't be another blog post until the middle of next week. I need to set up on Saturday for The Holiday at Home Celebration on Sunday and Monday. Then put everything away and a little recovery time on Tuesday!